Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jillie (11) is learning the art of cooking in her Life and Careers class at school. King Arthur Flour is a company that came to her school, taught the kids to make bread, and then sent them home with all of the ingredients. The kids make 2 loaves at home, one for themselves and one to bring back to school to be donated to a food pantry in town. Jillie decided to make braided loaves. Really brought back memories of Grandma Nellie for me!!


Dave said...

Yum! That bread looks goooood! I should try some baking and see if it's in my genes :-)
Good job Jillie!

Airmom said...

Jillie...I am so glad to see you know that is one of my favorite things to do in all the world...maybe we can bake some fun things when I come to visit. You make a cute baker for sure.