Monday, June 16, 2008

School Projects by Jillie (11 years old)
Art class portfolio cover
Art class portfolio cover

Medieval Castle made with friend Annie and some donated supplies from Kobe (his watercolor pencils and toy knights & horses.)

Medieval Castle extra credit project for Social Studies (recieved the full 10 extra credit points)

Rocket built and painted and ready to be shot off in class this week.

Wooden car designed from scratch... sketched design, molded out of clay, cut out of wood, sanded with 3 types of sandpapers, painted, attached wheels, and finally- raced in Tech class.


Dave said...

Nice Castle project! Reminds me of some of the projects your mom had when she was in school.
The rocket looks like a fun project, but I hope you don't launch it IN school :)
The rest of those projects look kool too.

Shannon said...

I liked the castle! Save the car for Kobe and he can race it in a pinewood derby!