Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jackson (5)- mom
This one is special to me. With all of the struggles Jackson has had with low muscle tone, this was a break through. A couple of days ago I showed him how to type "mom" on the computer. Today, he was busy drawing on a piece of paper. Then he asked me for some tape so he could hang it up. As we put it up, I realized what he'd drawn... what he'd WRITTEN. "Mom" over and over again. "Mom" was one of the first words he spoke and now "Mom" is his first written word. So proud of him! So excited for him!


Dave said...

You know how I enjoy the spontaneity and naievte of young children's art (and this is another example)... but this one especialy for the special message and achievement, it's awesome.
Way to go Jackson!!!

Shannon said...

That is awesome!!! What a happy moment for you and Jack Jack.

Pam said...

You are so good for Jackson. You continue to enable him and here is your reward. I love it! Jackson is so smart and now is able to better express it with the tools you have given him. I love you Jackson!!! You, too, Nik!